Set Your Goals’ new video for “Gaia Bleeds” from the album ‘This Will Be The Death Of Us,’ now available on iTunes for just $7.99 at
[TSF]-FUN膽秀四位女玩家:辣辣、咻碰、蓉兒、糯糯-放膽聯手出擊| by KenXS
[TSF]-FUN膽秀四位女玩家:辣辣、咻碰、蓉兒、糯糯-放膽聯手出擊| by KenXS KenXS Studio – Making:30 days Size:516MB Time:8:49 Music: Avril Lavigne – 4 Real Avril Lavigne – Innocence Mariah Carey – I Stay In Love – Sony Vegas Pro 8.0 – Operating System:Window XP 32Bit 片頭片尾來源:
[TSF] – 仞月
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (
FIFA 13 – Séance photo au PSG – Trailer
Des nouvelles de FIFA 13 en commençant par une séance de photos pour une amélioration toujours plus poussée des visages ! Allez Paris !
TSF Crushers
Starting him out young in a friends crawler
TSF SHELL V1.4.0 Introduces Video
TSF SHELL V1.4.0 What’s New: 1.Screen Editor. Innovated interactive mode to manage your screens, including increasing extended screen number, changing the order of screens, quick-clearing screen, Home Screen settings(go back to the Home Screen by tapping BACK button) . 2.3D Transition Effects Option (adding dimension to normal transition effects). 3.Switch between landscape and portrait on HD devices and Tablet PC. 4.Send Feedback item added to Settings menu. 5.Desktop Configuration Backup feature (to backup and to recover desktop layout and settings). 6.Props Animation Status Switch (default off to save energy). Improved: 1.Switch button for screens minimizing when idle. 2.Rendering speed for some Samsung models. 3.Accuracy of touchscreens. 4.Support all resolution wallpaper resolving deformation and distortion issue in previous versions. Resolved: 1.Black screen issue of some device models when go back to TSF Shell after using some applications. 2.Android widget refresh error. 3.Fix Some bugs.
Why We Should Set Goals – We must set goals in order to achieve the success you want, regardless of the kind of endeavor you undertake. The goals provide a sense of direction and purpose. You cannot get from point A to point B if you do not have a plan. The success or failure of achieving anything is defining goals and working towards them. Everyone has goals even if they do not think they have them. From going to work in the morning to paying bills – these are goals. The ones that are used to further careers or provide a lifestyle that is more comfortable are inspiring goals. Feeling compelled to work toward achieving something that will make a difference is an admirable goal. For the majority, plodding through life and going with the flow does not provide the attainment of life-altering goals. When people realize the importance of setting goals that will bring about change for the better, they are happier. Choose the path your life will take by deciding what you want and going after it. The minute that you begin to set goals, your life will change. When working towards the goals you have set, this allows you to change your future. Without this prospect, there would not be great athletes, artists, entertainers, novelists or scientists. All of these people set goals and dedicated themselves to achieving them. One reason that many people decide to “do something more” and change their lives is because they are dissatisfied with the current situation. How many people have …
[TSF] 2012 II PSG TyphoonMilo By-Zero Studio
[TSF] – BAD Clan M4A1 Player By Mio Studio
[TSF] – BAD Clan M4A1 Player By Mio Studio