Set Your Goals’ new video for “Gaia Bleeds” from the album ‘This Will Be The Death Of Us,’ now available on iTunes for just $7.99 at
Set Your Goals’ new video for “Gaia Bleeds” from the album ‘This Will Be The Death Of Us,’ now available on iTunes for just $7.99 at
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fux ! shet ! is the best awesome Oh!!!!!
Not even. Guitar player.
Funny how the Government knows this and they don’t do shit about it
5 June On Indonesia
This shit reminds me of A Day To Remember and Close Your Eyes. I fucking love bands like them.
no trouble
Seeing them may 20th, night before be Biology exam. STOKED
hey im joe, im a drummer and i think im pretty good for 15, give me a shot? check out my vid and sub please
They’re coming to Manila on June 2! stoked to death 🙂
1:47 Jeremy Mckinnon is that you?
damn… still nowhere as good as the ep wheres the dope posi jams?!?!?!
seriously….need to get a pop punk fix with other bands! check out a band from SD called Chasing Claymores… they have some high quality pop punkedness taking over down here
hippy crap
duuuuude i just fucking love the energy
0:16 for awkward silence
This is the first time i listen to a SYG song. I really like it. The singers voice sounds quite unique.
the guy with beard ruined the song
Death Tshirt is the truth.
First song i really learned how to drum
All I have to say is The Law of Conservation of Matter. Matter cannot be destroyed or created, it can only change forms. I’ll get a bunch of shit for this, but whatever
Well… now I’m depressed