PSG – Anarchy Performed by: Vocals – Panty Bass – Stocking Drums – Garterbelt Guitar – Chuck
PSG – Anarchy Performed by: Vocals – Panty Bass – Stocking Drums – Garterbelt Guitar – Chuck
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3:44. That is all.
I’m surprized there’s a Gorillaz reference in here
Looks like Chucks having a good time with that guitar
“You’re favourite anime”
Haha faggot
The thing I love about this song is that it fits perfect with this show and panty. psg goes against everything you expect anime to be and panty is the complete opposite of ANY anime girl. You always see anime characters like stocking. L Lawliet anyone? But you never see a super slutty badass like panty.
I don’t think you know my favourite anime, dumbass.
It’s still better than you’re favorite anime.
No. It’s the fact that it tries to be deep, and fails at it. It’s obvious and unsubtle.
What, 2DEEP4U?
Evangelion was shit. Cloning it would only mean more cancer.
And sometimes that’s all that you need. I’ll agree that moeshit is the cancer killing anime, but it’s not like having 20 Evangelion clones a season would be any better.
The thing that makes this K-On conversation funny is that there’s a K-On video in my suggested videos XD
K-ON! is just a moeshit anime that massive faggots watch. I find no enjoyment in it because its just girls eating cake and sipping tea and just being fucking retarded.
Who the fuck is K-on?
did they have sex are they just kicked there ass
Lady Gaga scene
With earplugs you can hear both stocking and panty singing
I suddenly love this better then k-om
But K-ON! is awesome :V
Go fucking kill yourself.
Do you have any fucking standards?
I could listen to this song for days without stopping.
Stocking is a left-handed bassist! *o* I’m a bassist, too and I can play both sides but I adore bassist like Stocking and Mio Akiyama!