Classic Game Room – HAL 21 review

Classic Game Room reviews HAL 21, a Playstation Mini for PS3 & PSP from SNK Playmore. This arcade SHMUPS style space ship shooter from SNK was released in 1985 and should appeal to fans of Namco’s Xevious. This insanely difficult vertical scrolling SHMUP space ship shooter on Playstation 3 (and PSP) has an old school “Xevious” style with basic weapons and bombs for ground targets. Enemy patterns are fast and erratic and players will need to memorize and shoot for points and extra lives to stay alive. Sadly HAL 21 does not have 2 player co-op gameplay, even though it says so on the screen. No two player coop gameplay in a space ship shooter!? Boo! Aside from that Hal 21 is a solid, affordable videogame with explosions, space ships and laser beams with ultra-challenging gameplay on PS3 and PSP.

Classic Game Room – MISSILE COMMAND iPad review

Classic Game Room reviews MISSILE COMMAND for iPad, part of the Atari’s Greatest Hits collection available for download in the Apple iTunes store. The Atari Greatest Hits collection is a free app for your iPad and comes with Missile Command, so this game is (as of this review), FREE! Play the 80’s arcade classic Missile Command with the touch screen recreated trak-ball or filp the iPad horizontally to play with your finger acting as the cursor. Sadly, Missile Command on the iPad fails to live up to the awesome experience of playing Missile Command with a Trak-Ball. Fans of Atari classics can also cheaply purchase additional Atari 2600 games and arcade classics for Atari’s Greatest Hits like Yars’ Revenge, Swordquest Waterworld and Crystal Castles… but once you see the fumbling controls of Missile Command you may just want to break out your real Atari 2600 instead. CGR video review shows gameplay of Missile Command played on iPad with touch screen controls replicating the arcade track ball from the Missile Command arcade videogame.

Classic Game Room HD – MORTAL KOMBAT vs DC UNIVERSE review 1

Part 1 of 2. Watch in High Definition. Classic Game Room reviews MORTAL KOMBAT vs DC UNIVERSE for the Xbox 360 video game console, MK vs DC is also available for Sony Playstation 3 PS3. This Mortal Kombal vs DC Universe review features gameplay footage from the game in HD. This is an awesome fighting 3D fighting game, no way around it. From Midway, Warner Bros. and DC Comics comes this bizarre yet enjoyable combination of the Mortal Kombat franchise and the DC comic book characters like Superman, Batman, Lex Luther, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern and Catwoman. The Mortal Kombat characters that you know and love are here for mortal combat including Raiden, Sonya Blade, Jax, Scorpion, Sub Zero and Liu Chang. Which universe will you choose to fight in? That’s the beauty of this game, fight a parallel storyline with one of two opposing sides. The writing in this game is campy, impossible and awesome. Fatality moves for Mortal Kombat and DC characters are in the game, and although the violence has been toned down a bit with DC Heroic Brutality (seriously??), the Fatality moves are fun to watch and nicely rendered in 3D animation. In many ways this is a superior game, Mortal Kombat vs. Soul Calibur IV or Virtua Fighter 5… who wins? CGRHD likes this game better, short and easy to memorize button combos, great gameplay and that awesome mixture of DC and MK characters. One of the better fighting games out there for the 360 and PS3. Classic Game Room HD reviews new games with

Classic Game Room – THE ASSKICKERS for PC review

Classic Game Room reviews THE ASSKICKERS for PC from This old school inspired side scrolling beat-em-up has gameplay reminiscent of Streets of Rage, Double Dragon and River City Ransom (among others like Final Fight and Gekido). Beat up enemies by punching them and kicking them with one of three different good guys. Team up with a friend, play four different difficulty settings and even plow through a survival mode. The Asskickers may not replace your Streets of Rage 2 game cartridge but it may kick some ass on your laptop. This CGR video review has gameplay from The Asskickers on PC showing Asskicker game play 2D sidescrolling action.

Alan Wake – Trailer (Game Trailer HD)

Alan Wake is a psychological action thriller from Remedy, the legendary and renowned developers of highly successful action titles. In this exciting new title exclusively for Windows and Xbox 360, gamers assume the role of Alan Wake, a best-selling suspense author who escapes to a small town to recover from the mysterious disappearance of his fiancée.