Luna online game Thai MV verion

ok…peeps….Update on 12-5-11 Song: it’s Indonesian Game: originally from Korean This video” made by Thai admins from Thai verion of LUNA game to promote this game in Thailand. Just..pause at 4:00 it said WWW.LUNAONLINE.IN.TH Moreover, even some parts of this vid are thai..such as thai people, place and BTS train. ps. TH = THAILAND Thus, the title is “Luna online game Thai MV verion”

20 thoughts on “Luna online game Thai MV verion

  1. Was always forced to learn Indonesian in school growing up and always hated it. But for the first time in my life … Eh, it’s kinda cute.

    Wanna hug Indonesia?

  2. info for all , the song is from indonesia , the game is from korea , idk why that sucks uploader put “thai” in the tittle -,-


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