A first look of the new upcoming TERA Online Check out www.mmoriot.com for more info
A first look of the new upcoming TERA Online Check out www.mmoriot.com for more info
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Can’t even compare with lineage II
i find it funny how all the rage is on korean games, then again, it doesn’t seem possibel to play anything on japanese and chinese art is so……and american is not worth mentioning
top games i see are either jap or kor. heck i play(ed) mabinogi so this game looks pretty awesome
silkroad + rappelz + high definition
I always read butthole instead of bluehole
Seems similar to Lineage….
Made by Bluehole studio, the first gaming studio on Pandora.
Where to buy tera gold, how to get cheap tera gold, fast tera gold? The anwsers are all on mmoigold.com. Enjoy yourselves by buying tera gold.
lol 2:12
Stupid japanese crap with massive swords and pre-pubescent girl character models = wrong, wrong, wrong.
Woah could there be a game that takes 5% of the players that would play GW2?
Thats actually really impressive
While this can’t hold a candle to GW2, I might actually try this until GW2 comes out, anything to get away from runes of rogues…err i mean runes of magic xD
this game will be filled with pedophiles and sex offenders in no time.
kind of looks like what final fantasy mmo should have been
doesn’t look that bad, cool!
@N0N4M0 It’s definitely going to be monthly payment for subscription but no one knows if you’ll have to buy the game on top of that.
another fantasy hack and slash, how original
Seen Both and have been waiting more then a year. All look better then WoW. For the fact of no % for hit rate. Its skill to kill not 11111111111112 I win. Lol
You also will have to pay monthly
Fk this, Continent of the ninth and blade & soul will pwn 😀
HELP: Do you need to buy Tera???
im siked for tera
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then maybe you should stop paying for them because both those games suck ass