Brasil 1982 – The 11 Greatest Goals (4Dfoot)

NEW – Visit for more Brasil 1982 and other classic football clips and full games! There is no doubt that the team Brasil sent to the 1982 World Cup is the most artful team in football history. The beauty of their play is perfectly mirrored by the elegance of the goals they scored. This video is an ode to Brasil 1982, ranking their eleven most beatiful goals — all of which were scored in the course of only five games. the 1982 Brasil World Cup team Valdir Perez; Leandro, Oscar, Luizinho, Junior; Toninho Cerezo, Falcao, Socrates, Zico; Eder, Serginho coach: Tele Santana Special thanks to: -the guys at, for prodiving me with all the videofootage -Julia, for tons of advice, feedback and useful tips. Enjoy! Sebastiaan van de Water

24 thoughts on “Brasil 1982 – The 11 Greatest Goals (4Dfoot)

  1. In my opinion, Brazil in 1982 had 5/6 fantastic players, counterbalanced buy 5/6 just decent players. For a start they didn’t have a good defence at all and not even a very good striker since most goals were scored by middlefielders as this video shows and Careca was injured.
    By other hand, Italy in 1982 was good all over! That made the difference… in fact I think Italy 1982 has been the second best national team ever to win a world cup after Brazil 1970!

  2. Reinaldo and the young Careca (who was second choice) were both injured, otherwise one of them would certainly have played - this team would have been even more frightening. Perhaps though, they lacked the defensive ability of the 1970 team. Ironic that one of their best defensive players gifted Italy the winning goal – although the fouling and cynical play of the likes of Gentile helped and would never be allowed today. IMO that was a crucial factor in Italy winning that World Cup.

  3. Tive o privilégio de assistir esse time e para mim e outras milhares de pessoas foi a pior catástrofe do futebol perder aquele jogo. Tele Santana foi aplaudido de pé por todos jornalistas presentes no fim da coletiva após a derrota para Italia, pois mostrou ao mundo como se jogava bola com categoria, arte e alegria. Esse time jamais será esquecido.

  4. um time igual só deus sabe lá guando eu com 8 anos me apaixonei pelo futbol ali vendo essa selessão jogar nunca ví nada igual juro nunca ví um entrosamento igual aquele o jogo contra a italia foi só um terrivel acidente

  5. Italy are a bunch of cheats, the play dirty football… yes they won… but they have no class, and definitely did not bring the style, pass, or entertainment value that Brazil bring, and brought to the 82 World cup.
    We call it the beautiful game because of Brazil!!!!!!!!

  6. Brasil 1982: Uma das melhores seleções da história. Sua italia de 1982 não era metade do time do Brasil. O Brasil perdeu no detalhe, no futebol nem sempre o melhor vence. Se fosse uma melhor de 3 de 5 ou de 10 jogos voce acha mesmo que essa Italia poderia bater o Brasil? A Italia jogava um futebol de resultado e o Brasil jogava um futebol de outra galáxia. Indiscutivelmente Brasil foi a melhor seleção da copa de 82 e provavelmente a segunda melhor da história.

  7. Their best were vs the great USSR keeper he was the best keeper ever, by the way 1st or 2nd goal vs brasil was against Italy who went to win the WC thats not so bad for the goalkeeper I think!!!

  8. What are you talking about and how dare you acuse Telê Santana? Valdir Perez as well as Serginho Chulapa were the best in their respective positions then and there. Besides, nobody ever criticized them before their defeat against Italy in 1982 so for goodness sake, stop writing such nonsense. It was a fatality, that’s all. What a twit!

  9. This was the best selection of Brazil, but unfortunately had a technical unprepared bank, Tele Santana, who has called Sérgio Chulapa rather that Roberto Dinamite, who put Toninho Cerezo rather than Falcão, who called the collector of butterflies Valdir Peres rather than Leão, and committed many other errors throughout the tournament. The loss of this title, shall be put to the account of Tele.

  10. nos resta chorar eternamente.que dor eu sinto por essa selecao nao ter sido a vencedora 1982,,,,somente o erterno choro nosso


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