Learn how to set powerful, actionable goals for your organization.
無所思,盡情暢言-部落rss聯播 Learn how to set powerful, actionable goals for your organization.
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Great job! I appreciate it.
First, thanks for this video! I am the leader of a band where three other guys look to me to pilot our musical career toward a goal of “Thousands of screaming fans”. After watching this video, (which I’ll be sending to them because I like what you’re teaching and well…’re hot), we, unlike a lot of bands, actually communicate with each other. With this method, we can more effectively divide and conquer to achieve our goal by playing to each of our strengths and abilities.
i luv ure marker squeaking. Ure my goal. GEEEEZZZZZ
Bah, people keep changing what SMART means – and what about people who don’t work in an organisation but are going for projects in their own right? What then? Eh? Answer that one why don’t you.
Excellent video. Very helpful. Thank you!!
Thank you very much , you are excellent
ill set a smart goal. you sucking my dick
The exact link is please advise if you can?
Great Video Erica, Any ideas on How to Achieve a Funding Goal for a Pozible Crowd Sourcing Project??? Go to and look up Car sales Tube to see if you have any ideas that could help?
A in our organization stands for Agreed Upon. Attainable and Realistic are redundant.
Thank you, it was amazing. The main goal and the divisions to acheive it could be visualized as a river and it’s tributaries.
i have got 12 inches but i try not to use it as a rule
Smart and Pretty…. You are my kind of girl… grrrrr
Thank you
i really Loved this Lady ! she s talented and Intellectual person, and i studied from her alot of things that i didn’t study all my lecturers in the University……………Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Thank u so much Erica Olsen
S.M.A.R.T (worth watching), Thanks
Your Pretty
yes, you are right, that is one way. But, best practices that we have found in business world, “action” is king and “responsibility” ensures action. It is a slight twist, but it works better in our opinion.
Thanks ….for
SMART idea
A stands for attainable, means don’t set goal that will impossible to achieve and R stands for realistic. Mao ni among pirminting lalisan sa amo mga student.
fuck i just wanna lose weight
Thank you