New composition with Jupiter-8 and TR-808, D-50, JV-880, Motif-6 and Juno-1. TR-808 is synced to Jupiter-8 running its latched arpeggiator. The Jupiter-8 sound is a new patch just for arps.
New composition with Jupiter-8 and TR-808, D-50, JV-880, Motif-6 and Juno-1. TR-808 is synced to Jupiter-8 running its latched arpeggiator. The Jupiter-8 sound is a new patch just for arps.
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God I love your shirts, wow you are awesome. Everything you play is so cool it gives me chills which normally leads to uncontrollable nose bleeds.
Amazing synth theme.Synth pad is hypnotized me.
Incredible. It’s so educational to watch how you do this. One thing I noticed, even when the arrangement is very simple your sense of timing and placement is so perfect it always keeps it interesting. It’s nice to see music performed live for a change. It would be really hard to capture that sense of “feel” if this was all programmed separately. Great job.
Jupiter 8 is the king of Synth, like the Moog, software cannot create the real feeling !
Very elegant sounds!! greetings from Chile.
ha. 😀 If i bought a 808 and a jupiter…i think i never would make chillout musik with it. more strange detroit elektro bam bam knarz knarz whooop. Nice!
this is amazing 🙂
I’m inspired. I like how you really capture the essence of the era in an understated way
amazing:) xx
sound awesome:))
I do not know how much you payed for that machines but it must have been very expensive. Did you ever concern live giggs? Your sound is so great and clear, leaving no questions behind.
Youcouldbe an icon in the homosexual-scene (wether you belong to it, or not). Play live and money will come for new gears and so new feelings! Try to make a picture of yours and SELL IT! 😉
Greetings from Germany
God I love your shirts, wow you are awesome. Everything you play is so cool it gives me chills which normally leads to uncontrollable nose bleeds.
Amazing synth theme.Synth pad is hypnotized me.
Incredible. It’s so educational to watch how you do this. One thing I noticed, even when the arrangement is very simple your sense of timing and placement is so perfect it always keeps it interesting. It’s nice to see music performed live for a change. It would be really hard to capture that sense of “feel” if this was all programmed separately. Great job.
Jupiter 8 is the king of Synth, like the Moog, software cannot create the real feeling !
Very elegant sounds!! greetings from Chile.
ha. 😀 If i bought a 808 and a jupiter…i think i never would make chillout musik with it. more strange detroit elektro bam bam knarz knarz whooop. Nice!
this is amazing 🙂
I’m inspired. I like how you really capture the essence of the era in an understated way
amazing:) xx
sound awesome:))
I do not know how much you payed for that machines but it must have been very expensive. Did you ever concern live giggs? Your sound is so great and clear, leaving no questions behind.
Youcouldbe an icon in the homosexual-scene (wether you belong to it, or not). Play live and money will come for new gears and so new feelings! Try to make a picture of yours and SELL IT! 😉
Greetings from Germany
iloved this tune!!!
thanks 🙂
Hi got a question did you use any filters for your sound?
| thanks TheSynthFreq , awesome channel!
Hi. 🙂 How to sync the Jupiter-8 and 808 together. In this song, the 808 and Jupiter-8 are synced together using a 1/4 line. The 808 triggers the Jupiter-8’s latched arpeggiator.
808 and Jupiter-8 love each other. haha