The Age of Empires series returns in an attempt to court both RTS and MMO fans, but does it succeed with either? You make the call as you watch the IGN review.
The Age of Empires series returns in an attempt to court both RTS and MMO fans, but does it succeed with either? You make the call as you watch the IGN review.
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every time he says “aoe” i keep thinking area of effect :
might give this game a try as a big fan of AoE for around 10 years, since the very first AoE came out. not really a fan of the cartoony graphics but it might be fun.
Lol the chat box is so entertaining :L
this review is TERRIBLY outdated and gives people a whole false idea of this awesome game. it has evolved and improves so much since last years august and next week will be another big patch which will be in fact the biggest they ever had bringing again tons of new stuff and improvements. also it will be completely f2p from next week on. PLEASE DO ANOTHER REVIEW SO THIS GREAT GAME CAN GROW LIKE IT DESERVES TO!
Man, the only cartoony game I play is TF2. I;m about to play some aeo3 right now haha
i got ad blocker for google chrome and it work great it remove all the ads even for videos to
Age of mythology! The best out of the lot….! My opinion
i hatttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttte ads….
also if it uses games for windows live, i stay away from it most times
Your arrogance is getting the best of you. The game is free, its not going to be top of the line! It is still very enjoyable though!
is it like AoE and AoM?
well good thing its free… haha
this is free on steam lol
Dont for get star wars galactic battlegrounds as its just AoE 2 made into the star wars universe. A winning combination 😀
by that do you mean the AoE 3 was the best, or the worst and that ruined it?
AoE 1,2, and AoM were Amazing. AoE 3 killed it.
You still have bowmen,rodelero’s,pikemen,doppelsoldners… You just have to play the right civalitations…
Srry bad English 😛
First off, this game looks like a half-ass Facebook game. Second, I have no idea where the historical, fun, strategic gameplay went. Third, the graphics and art texture look like it was made by Pixar, and finally, the whole game just blows dick.
Oh, well, that actually makes sense, my bad… Man, i’m really ashamed i didn’t even catch onto that.*Facepalm*
A platypus is like a thrown together animal from seemingly different animals. He is saying whether it is either a unique game or a thrown together game with things already present in previous or current titles.
Retarded, useless hybrid.