Look at the swerve on these, my favourites the freekick before Henry’s goal
Look at the swerve on these, my favourites the freekick before Henry’s goal
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Bad quality
look when it was made retard
What the fuck is with all these retards saying “where is cisse?”. This video was made 5 YEARS AGO. Its not like the person who made this could find a video of a future goal fuckwits
cisse newcastle vs chelsea?
haha one to remember! :P thanks
:22 Nelinho V Italy World Cup `78 3rd/4th place play off match….I remember seeing it live on TV as a 6 yr old and then after the match I went outside into the street where i tried to recreate the shot but the ball flew into our neighbours garden and their dog ripped it to shreds and then i didnt have a ball any more and i cried for 3 weeks until my mammy bought me a new ball but i wasn`t allowed to try any crazy bender shots with it.
papis cisse
0:53 - Thierry Henry
hows that good goals
what player is 0:44 and what game?
Random quote at the back.. How is it related to curves?
Where is Cissé?^^
awesome curve at 0:23
Short and sweet video 🙂
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0:08 Alan Thompson nice goal
0:23 !! wonder goal!
I hardly ever watch sports and I didn’t even know people could curve soccer balls that well until now!
hey nice video pls watch this video about child labour in india…
pls fight against child labour
Sec,49,is that the San Jose earthquakes!!!