[TSF]- 7-11Ironman Sui-Hao Chang’s Movie[original footage] Codename : 7-11_IM.SJ Primary : M4A1 Secondary : Berreta M92 Produced by PD Alucard of AK Studio.
[TSF]- 7-11Ironman Sui-Hao Chang’s Movie[original footage] Codename : 7-11_IM.SJ Primary : M4A1 Secondary : Berreta M92 Produced by PD Alucard of AK Studio.
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對阿 像是軍團戰 那種逆轉 我都會鞭 因為我覺得 這場氣勢真的會變好
how do u change the radio commands to english?
He is a Taiwan Player~~
the best rockshot of the year, SKT1
the best rockshot of the year..
coconut flying
稱霸台韓兩國 !
This is Taiwan player SJ go to KSF playing video.
我覺得很不尊重 不要鞭回去就好了
S J 在韓服 M4一樣猛啊! =)))
Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit
Second song?
why is this tsf? there’s matches vs korea teams and some of them don’t look like they are from taiwan… looks like ksf to me and the doublekill, multikill, special force indicators aren’t like that in tsf from past video’s O.o isn’t this ksf?
現在鞭屍的跟再來啊的同一對 物以類聚是吧= =
it’s taiwan sf no thai
你別亂講= =韓國人自己拍的影片也會鞭屍阿//這跟瞧不瞧得起沒關係
나는 도입부 정말 뚱뚱 생각
Omg Guys u Talk so Funny ;D!
you fire has sharp !
by thailand sf