“Vintage 74” by TSF

Jazz session with Jupiter-8, (split patch Bass/Xylo) and Motif-6: Vintage 74 Rhodes and Korg Emx preset drum pattern. This song came about when searching for a random pattern on the drum machine that was completely different and out of the ordinary. Synths used: Jupiter-8: Bass/Xylo split Motif-6: Rhodes Vintage 74 Please enjoy! 🙂 🙂 TSF

23 thoughts on ““Vintage 74” by TSF

  1. I’m really impressed with a lot of your clips/music.
    I would buy that cd,
    brings me backt to my 80’s days you know Newcleus, electro-funk days.
    Ladies greatz from Amsterdam.

  2. Great playing! Bass reminds me of 1984-1985 Paul Hardcastle. Very talented mucicians here.
    Some Oberheim brass, vocoder, a 16th note hihat/percussion, effects, glide sound, a nice saw monophonic synth solo and of cource an arpeggiator to finish it up with a handclap.

    80’s baby! Keep on rocking.

  3. I was in the elevator on my way to work the other day. Guess what, they were playing this same exact song….

  4. Acabo de ver vuestros videos y queria felicitaros por todo. soy profesor de piano y amante de la musica de esa epoca dorada de los sintes y me alegra mucho saber que hay gente joven haciendo lo que vosotros y ademas de esa manera tan magistral. Un saludo desde vigo( España) y enhorabuena.

  5. Nice playing, but the problem is the audio quality is bad and noisy because audio bit rate is too low. Don’t you please upload this video with improved audio?

  6. Well you know Danielle is borrowing the JP-8, right? She’s going to return in a few more months.

  7. ok I respect that but the other synths are like d50 cz5000 alpha juno emax etc.Lucky they are cheap these days

  8. It depends on the model. DCB-equipped JP-8s go for more. Whereas MIDI retrofitted ones go for even more (although I’m sort of a purist when it comes to that, I’d rather not have any “mods” done to my synths). Early revision JP-8s probably go for the least amount due to VCO stability.

  9. You totally groove. Inspiring music. And as a synthgeek myself i admire your collection of synths.

  10. I also have a CZ5000, a D50 and a Juno 1 so I was really shining up when seeing this setup. 🙂 Keyboards are so fun! 🙂


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