Like the video if you glad I brought back the series!
Like the video if you glad I brought back the series!
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Lol 8days?? I’m prestige 5 with 8days
yeah I know right its pronounced Kapparas
golden minigun…oh hell ya!!!
Lots of hitmarkers in this gun…
Not fake hes not a fag
1:34 nice shot
Fake and gay
quick scope ! ha! ja ! jo!
Wow he should join FaZe
If you use rapid fire the kiparus is a beast
Do you loose your gold guns when you prestige?
xJawz you are pro I know what you mean by wanting what the fans want I hope to see you in Black Ops 2 or I’ll just say COD9 btw people who comment stupid things like you play it for 8 days straight are just dumb I know you like to go on trips as I see on FB
I do play online BTW. So ya I am young. I am a girl so maybe that is why I am so bad. Because a lot of people know that boys and men are better at video games then girls. So I am not a women. I am a girl. I really need help on my sniper shots to I want to learn how to quickscope.
Your so good at Black ops I am not that good but can you help me on black ops I get more deaths then kills and I think your better then me. Can you make a Video for me to help me on my stuff. BTW my name is Kayley. And I don’t think your hacking I think they are just jealous. So may you maybe make me a video for me about how to get me better? If you can’t because people will just keep asking then I understand.
╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮ 🙂 best videos ever dude
do you have Xbox, if you do can you add me as a friend please. My name is xXNinjaOmiXx
Your good. 😛 i like you.
Is xJawz your xbox gamertag
When he means 8 1/2 days, that is his total time…,. And he didnt hack!!!
Bullshit xjaws 8 days you went 14 prestiges bullshit stop lying you went to level 50 on prestige 14 in 8 days