My facebookl Battlefield online game play commentery and Battlefield online gameplay live commentery. If you have any questions about Battlefield 3 and its gameplay online feal free to post a comment 😉 Battlefield 3 gameplay battlefield 3 online gameplay battlefielf 3 multiplayer sniper online game play commentery and Battlefield online gameplay live commentery. If you have any questions about Battlefield 3 and its gameplay online feal free to post a comment 😉 Battlefield 3 gameplay battlefield 3 online gameplay battlefielf 3 multiplayer sniper
Yes. There is a bipod on an assault rifle.
Go with a Famas (rifle scope, bipod, suppressor) . Never goes wrong…
7:19 blind enemies
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– M16A4 – 6x scope, underslung rail, heavy barrel
– MP412 REX
– M26 Slugs
– Squad Ammo
– Default Camo
Play hardcore Team Deathmatch, using the underslung M26 Slugs as a sniper rifle with the 6x scope, and only using the M16A4 and MP412 when necessary.
Should be an interesting challenge ;).
as val cool 😛
check out my channel ICESCOPES1
LOOOL… Surprise Buttsex :D
sv69, sex dot, straight butt, stringressor, the rest is up to you 🙂
@jason360540 If you choose that setup you’re obviously not playing battlefield to have fun
that is my favourite set up as engineer either that or with the G36C both are awesome carbines!
im voting that you do a match with pistols only!
That was a nice heavy dose of surprise butt sex at the end. One of the best you’ve had
Hell ya somebody likes the scar!
I enjoyed your surprise butt seks. I thought it was funny when you had a noob pilot and you guys crashed straight into the ground lol. CRIPPITY CRAP!!
I would suggest running as an assault with the AN-94 and the following setup: PK-A (3.4x zoom), heavy barrel and foregrip.
MP443 Sup.
M26 MASS with buck rounds (works great in those pesky close quarters situations).
Defibrillator pads.
Squad Flak and the black ops camouflage.
If you run with this loadout, then for the love of god use the semi-auto weapon mode and HS every enemy you see.
PS. a server running with hardcore mode would be preferable.
Just knife?
You’ll rape with this loadout:
USAS-12, reflex RDS, 12G frag,
ammo supply
my loadout better M16 seppresser,12 scope,forgrip, any side arm with seppresser thats it
-m249, ir nv 1x, suppressor, forgrip
- glock 18
-ammo supply
– c4