[Korea Online Game] ‘HUXLEY’, New Promotion Movie
[Korea Online Game] ‘HUXLEY’, New Promotion Movie
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dude, I’m just saying. But honestly you get what I mean.
Shutup. The women are actually rather well armored in this game. Unlike most games that would put them in thongs and pantyhose.
I want to have a bullet-resistant jackets
why is it that the men are so heavily armored and chicks get to show more skin in these kinds of games?…. honestly I find this sexist.
Firefall is the one to look forward to,looks ten times better than Huxley
Officially dead/scrapped
Remember when you could watch a video without having to sit through a commercial?
Remember when music videos were uploaded by users and not VEVO
Remember when all the info was to the right of the video?
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Remember the famous yellow subscribe button?
Remember when the users controlled the site and now corporations?
Post this in every video and lets start a youtube revolution!
there is nothing wrong having boobs in game and plus most american are not from america they just buy them off Koreans and Japaneses
if you mean lame games like aion and the mmo that all they show is boobs and half nudes girls ya they do make the best mmo -.- this game is never coming out now it switch over to webzen and not even out yet.
Sorry, I know it has blood… I meant can you turn blood off?
Does this game have blood? (please dont flame me)
But, good sir! Aren’t you an asshole, as well?
DUDE WHEN DOES THIS GAME COME OUT. I was in the beta years ago, and they have been working on this game for almost a decade. Hurry the F$(@ Up Seriously…..
i believed it i seen them before
and they still cant even compete with all the asian games >.> our shit is jus mad lame compared to them bro, they had shit like the kinect like 5 years before us no joke
fuck korea/japan/china MMOs, games for assholes
crysis 2 ,battlefield 3,call of duty black ops,mass effect 3,dead space 2,bioshock 2,left 4 dead 1,left 4 dead 2,counter striker series,portal1,portal 2 ,gta series .starcraft 2 ,starcraft 1,world of warcraft all of this is the best of USA and Europe.
/face palm….
i wished it was english lang
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