BBC shows the 10 most beautifull goals of the football world cup in germany.
BBC shows the 10 most beautifull goals of the football world cup in germany.
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Puyol is definitely the hero of that goal
I hope England can replicate some of their goals here in the Euros
joe cole ftw
World cups and Euro championships are the only good reason to be unemployed
Germany was an awesome host of the WC 06
2006 best worldcup
1:05-1:14 All puyol
Brilliant summation. I applaud you, my man.
I invite you to identify the true religion of Islam
اذا عربي لايك
No 4. It’s only a Berbatov spin.
I miss the 2006 world cup…
Where is Grosso`s goal on Lehmann?
Italia 06>Espana10
in 2006 everybody said that argentinas goal was shit, but no several teams play like that, barceolna, Arsenal etc. 🙂
for me personally this is the best world cup in terms of atmosphere,game, and entertainment
Brilliant vid 🙂 plz check out my channel cillian2k12 and repky to my comnent
* 24 passes
Australia for Euro 2012 !!
3:57 golasoooo