Try for a $1 World-renowned motivator Zig Ziglar guides you through a simple formula for achieving ANY goal.
Try for a $1 World-renowned motivator Zig Ziglar guides you through a simple formula for achieving ANY goal.
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great inspiration for the 1970s
sweet videos
Greatest goal achievement example EVER:
Zig’s passionate, heroic chronicling here of the risen-from-the-ashes, decade-by-decade goal accomplishments of the Japanese people!
Love the Zig.
Zig is great!!
Great Video! I love your content and I’m hoping to create more videos like this for ourselves. We started posting videos a while back in the “Goal Setting” niche, but this is great 🙂
How perfect .. I too have never accidentally eatin anything either. smiles
~Expect Miracles
Zig changed my life!
he talks like a pastor
uhmm… hes 83
Excellent, Thank You!!!
I am a speaker/motivator too and I say in all honesty that Zig is great inspiration to all of us in the networking world. Kudos to you MASTER.
…jim diaz
Great Stuff
life coach & motivational speaker
sunny james
check out my videos
Thank you
he’s not so young anymore. lol
This young man is my hero
See you @ the top!
I met Zig some years ago. He walks the talk. “A life without action is a life without purpose” R. L. Lane
He does both.
Wait, someone explain this. “I wrote it all down, what’s in it for me”
So he writes it all down then he asks or does he write down the specific things that are in it for him?
Wow! What a powerful comment you made there!
I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Ziglar about 12 years ago at a luncheon. He related a very interesting fact. He had worked with prisoners for years and he said that 90% of prisoners either didn’t know who their fathers were, or hated their fathers. Makes you take pause, does it not? A very powerful message to men all over the world. Be there for your children and love them unconditionally.
Thanks for posting all 3 of these videos! I love Zig!