Watch a compilation of the best goals that have been shot. now in better quality
Watch a compilation of the best goals that have been shot. now in better quality
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Hey, have you thought about the Fat Blast Lifestyle? (check google). My buddy told me it helps people get thinner.
Hey, have you thought about the Fat Blast Lifestyle? (check google). My buddy told me it helps people get thinner.
You laugh at Messi, Messi laughs at your pay-check.
best goals…not players so stfu
you suck ballz
They didn’t count Ronaldo’s goal from a bicycle kick, you can check yourself….
Portugal vs Azerbayen or some shit….
messi suck ballz
Rooney ? … i lost the words about this poor player. tell me 1 big Englandmatch who Rooney performs well. cant recall ones sry.
If you wanna see a brilliant goal check this. WC 2010 Quarterfinal Argentina-Germany 0-4 M.Klose 88. Minute this in Topstuff and not hit a ball one times good.
got football at my channel;) i dont wanna promote!
Und die Freistöße von Ronaldo?
2:56 Ibra even faked out the cameraman haha
pelé?!!!!!!!!!!?!!?!?!?!?!? =/
the worst quality films ive ever seen and thats why i disliked it
horrible quality
visit channel for some latest arsenal vids! Thanks!
what song is that guys? ;P
He doesn’t even know how to spell potato so I doubt he realised your point.
240p we meet agin but this time i can beat u i can watch this whole video
LOL, Trolling the camera !!
1 Video, 29.278.909 Aufrufe xD
Can you not read the top comment???
Quality : Minecraft
fishing for likes is uncool