Release date 2012-02-29 TSF Shell Pro 1st edition demo (Video Mobile HTC G10 Desire HD ,Average FPS:60) TSF side: Download in TSF Shell side : C3D Team
Release date 2012-02-29 TSF Shell Pro 1st edition demo (Video Mobile HTC G10 Desire HD ,Average FPS:60) TSF side: Download in TSF Shell side : C3D Team
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Did it usually called tat home ?
How do I get the map?
have it on my GS2 its amazing! Best launcher! and didn’t pay a penny for it 🙂
Love how this video describes and shows everything
no, in my opinion it makes everything faster. motorola defy+ . 😉
Anyone tell me how this app is?
Like, how much ram is uses and that? does it slow down your phone?
this launcher is awesome! soooo smooth!
way better that all that GO sh*t
V1.4.2.03 is awesome! Just support live wallpapers and we got ourselves the best laucher around!
great launcher but stated to confuse and know its android but dang its too much customizing
the price is ridiculous
buying a phone compared to buying virtual content is vastly different thing…
This makes iOS looks more boring and dull than Android 😛
if you can afford a phone that can run this, then quit complaining.
Gonna get it,*HOPE*it’s what it appears to be!!!
Does anyone know what this new function brings in the latest update?:
“A new 360° screen selecting mode”.
I cant figure out wtf it does or how to enable/disable.
Lower the dam price so people can buy your product
Just think about selling 1 million copy in couple months for. 99$ versus $16 and you sell only 1000
big like
Update it already its been ages.
so where can i Find the flag map?
So I payed full price for half the features?
🙁 updated it and it kept forcing close on me…. sheesh… it was perfect before the update
I loved the ‘cardboard moving box’ icon as folder icon; too bad that it was changed to a ‘normal’ folder icon.