Track: Fly Away (Taku & Teddyloid For the Club Edit) Artist: Teddyloid Album: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt – The Worst Album
Track: Fly Away (Taku & Teddyloid For the Club Edit) Artist: Teddyloid Album: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt – The Worst Album
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….ye i can see panty saying that over and over and over
yeah, problably
ikr? katingaan is on something XD
I came for the music and stayed for the music… WAIT THERE IS ASSES!
Listen to the part after “I’m gonna fuck you, yeah” in 0:18
what the hell?
A-a-a-a you’re gaaay eh!
Came for the music.
Stayed for the music.
But they do?
I realized, and I played along with his sarcasm. :3
Came for both the asses and the music.
I’m sure you can see where this is going.
I’m gonna fuck you up, if you’re game?
I think he was being sarcastic lol
7 people passed out from seeing dat asses.
If only.
am i high again?
6 people are deaf :3
6+ people dont like the female body
you got a download for this. I can’t find it anywhere
6 people can’t fly away.
Holy shit, this mix is eargasmic!