Music video by The Game performing Camera Phone. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1963999. (C) 2008 Geffen Records
Music video by The Game performing Camera Phone. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 1963999. (C) 2008 Geffen Records
網站地圖:sitemap技術支援:關鍵字網站行銷 免費廣告免費分類廣告 外遇墜美 研討會學術研討會議程 友情連結:義肢輔具截肢 歷史的傷痕BigBite 義肢社群 八字紫微 張天師天師府萬法宗壇電動代步車德林 義肢 免費算命八字算命 人工植牙 矯正鞋墊 八字風水手面相占卜道家 面相學人相手相 陰陽不測之謂神 世界道教聯合會 丞安堂中醫診所中醫師 台北中醫診所中醫針灸減肥穴位埋線減肥 紫微斗數算命 易經周易術數研究 污水保養代操作廢水處理設施 污水處理污水保養維修 環保法律 輔仁大學宗教學系內經學社 觀天之道
Hello everyone. To whom it may concern I would like to say I’m a Brazilian rapper with a new song (in Portuguese with English subtitle) on my channel and I’m asking you to hear it and feel how rap sounds in other languages.
Thanks to anyone who can help me.
Subscribe please!
I HAVE TICKETS FOR SALE TO GO SEE THE GAME!!! My boyfriends band is playing at THE PLAYGROUND FESTIVAL in IRVINE, CALIFORNIA along with THE GAME and many other bands…IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BUY SOME TICKETS HIT ME UP =) tickets are only $45 but u get to see THE GAME, LIL JOHN, SHINY TOY GUNS, TOO SHORT, and many more!!!
I love this song !….. Drake looks like game xD
This video was when i realized that Pleasure P was cute Lol