KOBE came by the DREW Summer Pro-Am in Watts. had 45 points and 9 asst. 4 st Digital Dreams Video digitaldreamsvideo.biz
KOBE came by the DREW Summer Pro-Am in Watts. had 45 points and 9 asst. 4 st Digital Dreams Video digitaldreamsvideo.biz
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Kobe still got it I wonder how james harden feel
it doesn’t matter if you like kobe or lebron you have to respect greatness and support your team by any means necessary if you are a true fan. lebron is a monster with endless talent and kobe is just magic if you ask me.
I admit I’m a dumbass this whole time I was getting the shoes mixed up those are the K2s I bow down @jerry3acosta I feel like the bitch but I’m only 13 so im a youngin but I am one of the best 8th graders in the country lol #random fact