What if an online gamer played monopoly like he played Modern Warfare? Starring: Eric Pumphrey as Aaron Rachel Miner as Lynn Lindsey Reckis as Beth Jared Bell as Ted
What if an online gamer played monopoly like he played Modern Warfare? Starring: Eric Pumphrey as Aaron Rachel Miner as Lynn Lindsey Reckis as Beth Jared Bell as Ted
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Have most of the people on Reckless Tortuga been on Supernatural?
Bullshit it isn’t fucking real quit being a whiney little bitch
He said “It’d be much worse if this actually happened” meaning yes…He did.
He wasn’t like that when they started going out, she bought him a xbox when she was on a trip, and while she was gone he changed A LOT!
how did a guy like that even get a girlfriend?? 0_0 i think she lost a bet or somethin and was forced to date him
funny ass shit i talk just like that in cod
Im the boot its my clan tag. so imma kick u guyses asses YEA~!
LAg omg LAG!
I do have an Xbox, and I don’t do this. The worst I do is point out people acting 12…Not this.
This is a sketch type thing, I know, but did you know people actually act like this? I mean both online AND off, and that’s not okay.
Me too, I love watching this series.
lol in real world you will do that if you have xbox bitch
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UnbOuNdPWneR1 is a great channel If you like Mw3, be sure to check him out A like and sub or favorite always helps Thanx!
You know this isn’t real, right?
i thought he’d say RAGE QUIT when the two peeps left
the sad part is that this is true