best players in the world + epic tricks and crazy goals 😛 1st Song – Thx for the Memories – FOB 2nd Song – Happy – Mudvayne
best players in the world + epic tricks and crazy goals 😛 1st Song – Thx for the Memories – FOB 2nd Song – Happy – Mudvayne
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who’s goal was it at 0:19
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Paused at 2:02 his flying ;p
which pixel is the ball ? LOL
where is paul scholes ??
Are some of these even possible?!?!?
Really? i have played with so many Europeans and i have yet to meet one who thought he committed a Foul. I guess we’re on the same boat then!
Since I’ve been playing with Africans I’ve noticed that they never think they commit a foul
hey nice video pls watch this video about child labour in india…
pls fight against child labour
Really? since when does complaining in soccer or in sports in general have anything to do with Nationality? You’re the ignorant one here. There are plenty of European players who whine about every single fucking thing, does that mean that Europeans in general are whiners and ignorant? You’re really DUMB.
I cant stop playing the replaying button
2:00 goalie save is awesome, best risk ever!
he screwed him at 0:47 i love that move
yeh it takes skill to score a penalty doesn’t it….
why is there a bog standard penalty in the middle?
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My thoughts at 2:02… No way, and, wait… was that really necessary?