5000 LIKES for part 3? PART 1 www.youtube.com
5000 LIKES for part 3? PART 1 www.youtube.com
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Hehe theres 69 dizlikes c:
i bought fifteen of them bitches i fell off my bed laughing
yea i know i saw that aswell all we need now is goldberg to return
guess what brock lesner came back last raw after wreastle mania
i watched it and it was great to see the rock beat cena and it is good to see that cena was taken down by the peoples champ so now it might be a new attitude era
well fuck u
watch wrestle mania 28 bitch
Watching this like a year after this vid came out
you shat rocks when you were ten?
no1 break the 69 dislike milestone!
RIP Whiteny Houston
That you Whiteboy, you really gave me a lot of tips =) keep this job
thhis is the exact same commentary as another video. come on man. still a good video though
whiteboy aint that good hes got 10% of public likes… i got 100% (i like my videos)
OMG this is what you call SNIPING 😀 Pure Skill !!! I think my pants are wet now 😛
ⓣⓗⓤⓜⓢⓤⓟⓘⓕⓨⓞⓤ can go away.
ha! mines bettert
ha! mines better
ha! mines better
this commentating is on two other whiteboy vids!!!!!!!!
stone cold an undertaker are way better
it hasn’t got better it’s got worse because cena is still in it
wwe is shit now
wwe is a kids show now because cena ruined it along with all his little 5 year old fans
not everyone likes it anymore. everyone used to like it in the attitude era but because cena is still in it most people hate it because cena sucks and he ruined wwe by by sucking up to all the little 5 year olds who are also too blame for wwe being crap. if it was still the attitude era and if there was no cena then people would stilllike it more